Zombie Killer

zombie killer cover

Zombie killer is the tale of Lucas taylor, a black male in his early 30’s fresh from military service in a special forces regiment. Incarcerated for a crime he did not commit, our character is on the eve of parole when the world as he knows it comes crashing down.

The start of this comes when a hurricane devastates the gulf coast area of the u.s. Experimental compounds are released into the flood waters of louisiana which reanimate the dead causing our world to plunge into chaos.

Lucas, along with a handful of others manages to escape the prison and try to stay alive in a world of the undead. Lucas will be trying in the beginning to reach his family in the hopes they survived this apocalypse.

Along the way some cast will perish while others are introduced. Lucas will end up doing an extended time alone with only his wits and determination standing between him and certain death.

In the early days of this hell on earth Lucas and another cast member will find love, but unfortunately this too will end horrifically. During his tale, Lucas will visit many locales and encounter many trials and gruesome events.

Unbeknownst to the main characters, the source of the destruction comes from a chemical that was being created with military applications in mind. The government had contracted a company to create a type of super soldier that if wounded would heal quickly and possessed enhanced strength and reflexes.

The smaller company, who had been working on cancer cures and life longevity formulas, unknowingly stole some samples and did research of their own on secret formula. When the storm destroys the lab, the mix of chemicals in the flood waters starts a chain reaction that spreads quickly with the movement of displaced residents from the areas.

So join us for Lucas' trials and the uncertainty that faces him in a world of the dead.

Sample pages from Zombie Killer.

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