Dave's Bio

Dave Harris

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Dave Harris is a guy who has dipped his toe into the waters of many hobbies but has always had one constant passion: Comics. Whether he was scooping up treasures at his small town's annual 4th of July flea market, or working lots of overtime to get his weekly dose of superhero and action stories, he was always enthralled by the art form.

To him it was more than an escape from the normal everyday life and all of its hassles. It was a way to direct his growing imagination and creative juices. Always one that loved writing and creating new ideas, Dave was starting to get the urge to try and make it as a comic writer. "If you love something then why not get paid to do it?", was the thought behind the dream.

So after meeting and collaborating with his now long-time best friend, Walter Sablotny, Dave was on track to do just that idea. The two have sinced formed the partnership, Psychoholic Studios, and continue to churn out new ideas either to use as stepping stones to get a foot in the door at a major publisher, or to continue to self-publish for their fans. Either way they are doing what they love.

Dave has also recently taken up computer coloring as a hobby/career. He is available to color work for fans and hopefully one day major publishers. As another side hobby, Dave has also enjoyed the action figure customizing arena. He has a ton of fun creating new characters that are not readily available in mass market. He has sold some of his creations online to great reviews and fan satisfaction.

Please check out the other links under Dave's section for samples of his custom action figure work and coloring samples.

*All material, unless otherwise noted, is copyright Psychoholic Studios and may not be reprinted, copied, transferred, or otherwise used without expressed written consent of Psychoholic Studios.

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